Services Supporting Homelessness Over The Festive Period
Housing Solutions will be closed on the 25th, 26th December 2023 and 1st January
2024. On these days in case of an emergency please call 0800 7311 689.
Housing Options and Advice Line can be contacted on 0114 2736306 and is open as
usual from 8:30 to 17:00 until 22 December 2023. The lines are closed over Christmas
but are open 8:30 until 17:00 on 27th, 28th and 29th December. In the New Year Housing Solutions
reopen as usual on 2nd January 2024.
Housing Options and Advice Line can provide advice, help, and support for anyone who:
- housing related issues, such as disrepair, ending a tenancy and affordability.
- your rights as a tenant or an owner occupier
- if you feel unsafe at home because of abuse.
- options to prevent you having to leave your home.
- paying for your home, including guiding you to benefits advice.
- accessing mediation services if there’s conflict at home or a family breakdown.
You can contact the Housing Options and Advice Line for advice on:
- what to do if you are at risk of homelessness
- housing related issues, such as disrepair, ending a tenancy and affordability.
- your rights as a tenant or an owner occupier
- if you feel unsafe at home because of abuse.
- options to prevent you having to leave your home.
- paying for your home, including guiding you to benefits advice.
- accessing mediation services if there’s conflict at home or a family breakdown.
When the line is closed there is an out of hours number for emergencies only, this is:
0800 7311 689.
There are also other below options:
HARC (Homeless and Rootless at Christmas) – HARC will be open to guests from 08:30-14:30 every day from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day at Victoria Hall, George Street entrance, Sheffield S1 2PF. Breakfasts will be served from 08:30-10:00 and lunches from 12:00-13:30, with a takeaway meal for tea for all guests. There will also be a hairdresser, podiatrist, and clothing store. Sheffield City Council’s Rough Sleeper Initiative will also be present on the 27th, 28th, 29th December to support, assess & assist individuals who may be experiencing rough sleeping.
The Rough Sleeper Initiative Team – part of Housing Solutions. This is open 27th,28th & 29th December from 08:00 to 17:00, undertaking daily street outreach and welfare checks as well providing support and assistance to individuals experiencing rough sleeping as well as to those who are currently in off the street accommodation
Likewise – This service offers drug and alcohol support services and will be closed 25th ,26th December and 1st January. During the days between they will be working from HARC offering support to individuals.
SWEP (Weather Watch) – Overnight accommodation is offered to anyone who would be sleeping rough during
times of extremely adverse weather. This includes crash pad accommodation and accommodation in hostels.
During office hours you should call 0114 2736306. Outside of these hours, including Bank Holidays and weekends please contact 0800 7311 689. If you are a member of the public and call on someone’s behalf, you need to do so with the rough sleeper present.
Housing First – Will be operating on 27th, 28th, 29th December.
Framework – Framework is the council commissioned street outreach service and will be in operation everyday over the holidays carrying out outreach and welfares on individuals experiencing rough sleeping at 06:00 daily. They will also be in attendance at HARC, offering advice and support. They can be contacted on 0800 066 5358 or sent a text message to 80800 starting with the word SOTS followed by space and your message. Referrals can also be made online at
The Archer Project – The Archer Project will be closed from 23rd December 2023 until the 2nd of January 2024 and HARC will be operating during this closure period.